Monday, June 20, 2021

Foseca Cubano Limitado - Belicoso Corto

Fonseca Cubano Limitado
In 2017 SAG Imports, also known as Matasa or Fonseca, launched a cigar that was a departure from their typical smokes. Known for making milder Dominican cigars, SAG Imports decided to launch the Cubano Limitado, which is a full bodied and full flavored cigar that is the opposite of their everyday smokes. I haven't had lots of these cigars but the ones I have had are definitely a nice change of pace compared with their everyday cigars. They are sold at an exceptional value and really deliver some great flavors. The cigar features a Honduran Cuban seed wrapper that is incredibly oily and has a wonderful reddish hue color to it. The binder is Dominican and has filler tobacco from the Dominican and Nicaraguan ligero. The Belicoso Corto measures 5" and has a ring gauge of 52. With an aroma of leather and spices this cigar sits beautifully in hand showcasing its wonderful oils.

The cigar begins right off with lovely spices and leather notes. It is burning beautifully and producing wonderful clouds of smoke. As I get into the second third the cigar becomes much more complex becoming really rich giving off lots of toast, nuts, unsweetened dark chocolate and floral notes. It is definitely medium-full in body but very smooth with each puff. I am still getting a nice even draw with the smoke and no work is needed on it. In the final third and the cigar is really showing some great flavors now. There is a lovely amount of spice and leather but I am still getting lots of chocolate and floral notes as well. The final third is definitely the highlight of this smoke and makes it hard to put it down.

This is a great everyday cigar that is friendly to all smokers out there. It has wonderful flavors, great pricing and perfect for a range of cigar smokers. I think that milder cigar fans could enjoy this from time to time and full bodied fans could enjoy this in the morning or afternoon. If this SAG Imports best cigar? No, but it is definitely in their No. 3 spot in my book. I think the Casa Magna Colorado is a truly amazing smoke with wonderful vitolas and the Quesada Tributo line is also enjoyable, but this is definitely their No. 3. I would give this cigar a 90 and wonder what the other sizes were like. I love this size for a cigar because it reminds me of the Bolivar Belicoso Fino and I can tell you that this cigar is more consistent then that. You should definitely give this cigar a shot, heck, it might become your everyday smoke.
Cubano Limitado - Belicoso Corto


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